The Condescension of Christ

From Jonathan Edwards: The Excellency of Christ There do meet in Jesus Christ, infinite highness, and infinite condescension. Christ, as he is God, is infinitely great and high above all. He is higher than the kings of the earth; for he is King of Kings, and Lord of...

Healthy For Life: News Report

My high school daughters produced this amazing video for their Nutrition Class. I hope you enjoy it, and learn some healthy-living facts along the way. With much appreciation to Dr. David Perlmutter, whose work was a significant part of their research. [embedyt]...

Byzantine iPad found in Shipwreck!

I was amazed to find this article about an ancient invention found in the Yenikapi excavations in Istanbul, Turkey. They call it a Byzantine iPad because of its portable nature: “a notebook and tool in one.”  In the bottom is a hidden “app,”...

Light vs Darkness

I came across this graphic, and was floored by the blatant lies in it. The same message that Satan spoke in the garden: “You shall not surely die”… new version… There is a war. Between darkness and light. There is no friendship. There is only a...