Jesus Tackles All the Principles of the Prophets (Matt 23+) 4

The Rainbow Scaffold in Matthew, part 4


God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. How he was for Jacob is how he is for us. His plans and intentions back then have not changed.
Time words in Scripture reflect this over-arching character of God’s function in time, showing his purpose and plans.
The WHEN of verse 15 reminds us of God’s great plan that will be carried out.

From the beginning to the end, God’s intended outcome will come about.

  • Daniel spoke of it (past),
  • it is yet to be seen (future),
  • Christ prophecies that God intended to have things this way.

Things will not go well for God’s people, and that has always been part of God’s plan.
But WHY did God intend for suffering–for tribulation–on his people? This is the GREAT MESSAGE of my book That Darn Tree (Coming Soon!). In Matthew we can see it laid out in purple. It’s a part of the plan.

(Orange) GOD

Thankfully, Covenant-keeping God will keep it in restraint; those days “will be cut short.”
We see this same end in [biblegateway passage=”Revelation 6″], when the NUMBER of those slain for Christ is COMPLETE (Architect, green).
The books are being written ([biblegateway passage=”Dan 7:10″], [biblegateway passage=”Rev 20:12″]); the deeds the nations commit against God’s people are being logged, until the number of those who they’ve hurt is complete. The weight will be full.

(Orange) PRO vs CON

Note that it is God’s people who will be assaulted by the nations. Because they are his people. It’s not random. Covenant-keepers are assaulted by the Covenant-haters. Those who refuse to bend, who refuse to Kiss the Son, who refuse to hide under his wings (see v. 37 above), hate Orange. They hate God and all that he stands for.
Of course, as “children of hell” (v. 15) they have the priorities and affections of hell. So they assault that which God values. Being the Church makes us the target. We are the beloved Bride. We are the breakable, where Yahweh is unbreakable. They hate him, so they assault that which he loves with an unbreakable love.
There are ways out of the assault:

  • Denial of Christ is a sure means to no longer be a target to God-haters.
  • A lukewarm approach to Covenant is also a way to no longer be a target.
  • Following false-messiahs whose ideas tickle your ears is another way to avoid being a target for Covenant.

But a quick-out is not what we are after. He says many times, “they will persecute you.”
Christ called his people to love their enemies, to bless those who curse them, to turn the other cheek, to “forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Because from their midst will come the last believers. Another number that must be fulfilled. History shows that a suffering Church quickly reaps a harvest of new believers.
And you, what do you think about suffering for the name of Christ? Is it worth it? Is he worth it?
How does the Covenant filter you? All or Nothing. Are you in?


This world will sort us. These events of the last days will prove who is the Church. Christ’s comments to the [biblegateway passage=”Revelation 1-3″ display=”Churches in Revelation”] also show this–[biblegateway passage=”Revelation 2:7, 11, 17; 3:5, 12, 21″ display=”what you do proves if you are his.”]
As natural as vultures gathering at a corpse–and as natural as watching said vultures repulses humans–people naturally shift into their camps.
[biblegateway passage=”Revelation 22:11″] puts it this way: “Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy.” We are what we are. Except…
…while there is today, we can change. Down is Up and Up is Down-light blue. Repent and you shall be saved. God’s plan allows us time to decide. But time is short. Nature and the fig tree tells us this.

(Light Green)–click on–

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5


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