100 Things to Do Instead of Editing your Novel


  1. Write a blog post entitled “100 Things to Do Instead of Editing your Novel”
  2. Find articles and blog posts about how to edit your novel (see Lists)
  3. Comment on those blog posts in detail
  4. Read books about editing your novel (see Lists)
  5. Take your kids out to breakfast, they haven’t seen you in so long
  6. Spend some time with that friend you haven’t seen because you were writing your novel
  7. Research online to find out if you missed something about the historical or cultural context of your novel.
  8. Plant a garden, you’ve wanted to do that for so long. What’s not to love about homegrown tomatoes?
  9. Read other novels similar to your own
  10. Watch suspense movies, so you know how suspense works
  11. Read novels in a different genre, to consider expanding your writing repertoire.
  12. Join several forums that are related to your genre and contribute to the discussions
  13. Ride a bike
  14. Clean out that closet and those clutter drawers (see Flylady for help)
  15. Have a movie marathon with your family to watch a series, ie: Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Anne of Green Gables.
  16. Host a wedding in your backyard
  17. Host a church or youth campout on your property
  18. Make a chart of chores for your kids to do to free you up for editing your novel
  19. Plan homeschooling curriculum for next year, be creative in planning field trips
  20. Research locations to go on field trips for your homeschooling next year
  21. Do some research on other countries where your future novels might take place
  22. Travel to those other countries to see and photograph the settings for your future novels
  23. Make tie-dye shirts with or for your family and friends
  24. Go early Christmas shopping, don’t wait till the last minute
  25. Play board games with your kids, I recommend Act Your Wage since you are having fun, but it’s educational!
  26. Write a blog post about a current political or social issue that bugs you.
  27. Look on Pixabay to find photos that you can use on your blog posts
  28. Learn how to cut your own hair (surf Youtube) so you don’t have to use precious editing time to go to the hairdresser.
  29. Teach your daughter how to fix hair that has been self-cut.
  30. Go to the hairdresser.
  31. Create your own book cover using Powerpoint!
  32. Look on Pixabay to find photos you can use on your book cover.
  33. (Assuredly, in the days ahead this list will grow as I discover myriad options for my time.)
  34. (any suggestions?)
  35. .
  36. .
  37. .


Action Point: But in all honesty, having a book to edit, or something difficult and challenging to do, on which much rests, causes us to rethink priorities. We evaluate our goals and dreams, our hopes, and the parts of our lives we have neglected. I doubt many of the items on our list are in themselves wrong. But they identify our weaknesses and our affections. We should always be faithful to the things on our plate for today. Be wise in the use of your time. The days are short.
Please help me add to the list. Comment below.